Howard Richard Lieberman

Innovation Collaboration Specialist



Government and Intellectual Property

Howard Lieberman has worked with government in a number of different capacities from IP (Intellectual Property) to consulting to the USAF and DARPA.

Intellectual Property

Howard Lieberman has wordked extensively in the area of IP, first studying for the patent bar exam, then serving as president of the SCI3 Foundation Board. SCI3, the Sunnyvale Center for Innovation, Ideas and Inventions was the USPTO Patent Repository Partner Library serving the western region of the United States. He has also been a member of the Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Association (SVIPLA), the Intellectual Property Society (IPS), the Licensing Executives Society International (LES), and co-chaired the 2002 Global Alliance and Technology Acquisition Summit.


During 2007 and 2008 a Pentagon team interviewed a large number of innovation specialists around the nation to qualify contributors to a three day September Silicon Valley Innovation Forum hosted by IBM, SRI and Google. Howard was selected to establish a context for innovation, as the summit opening speaker which ultimately led to consulting contracts with the US Air Force and DARPA (Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency) as a SETA (science engineering technology advisor) and SME (subject matter expert). SME Areas included mobile devices, user interfaces, software development, technology integration along with technology procurement and source selection.

USAF Hansom Field

In 2009, Howard worked on accelerating technology integration and new improved technology procurement process: New Capabilities Open Houses, Tools & Technology Evaluation and Application, and Suitable Collaboration Spaces.


Facilitated government's very technologically advanced team's ability to integrate new technologies. Three primary areas of work had to do with taking advantage of the economies of scale of consumer electronics R&D, risk mitigation in mobile device hardware and software integration and applying consumer User Interface standards and development efforts to government development efforts. Also participated in source selection processes.